Friday 4 April 2008

Raja bell and high school hoops.

A couple of days ago I was asked to coach a high school basketball team. (the Future Upper Shirley High)I see this as a great opportunity to take the triangle offence into English schools. I cant wait for line drills at dawn. My plan is to take a team and create real basketball players but if the chance arises and I will put all my energy into this I will teach the art of blocking fouls and taking the perfect charge. Who am I kidding that will be the subject of our first practice.

I will keep you all updated on our progress.

If all els fails I will fall back on the ideas and practices of the grand master of defense Raja Bell, proud member of the phoenix suns organization. NBA.
No. Babies. Allowed

This is taking one for the team.

This footage above brings me to a request. I humbly ask the powers at be in the "that’s Dutty" blog team to produce a Raja Bell tee-shirt on a peach shirt saying no babies allowed on the shirt.

If this happens I will post shots of me wearing said shirt on local mountain tops and high rise tower blocks. I may carry a megaphone.

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