Friday 4 April 2008

Shut up and Analyse

Can someone please tell me where I can purchase a mega drive of a Sega Genesis and a copy of cult classic hoops game “Barkley shut up and jam”. This made my younger days worth while. My team was always Barkley, L.Train and the Mohawk guy.

I love how the essence of the game was an NBA Jam Tournament edition rip off
with one massive difference. Barkley choose to go back to the streets and play pick up three on three with a bunch of hobo looking street “ballers”. What were they playing for not trophies probably whiskey and no more regrets. All those playing without shirts were willing a ball to beam them up side there craniums hard enough that they would forget why they had got to this place. Playing hoops for money to pay for accelerating drug habits. (I assume) This game was Gully. A game For the purists and for those who were not impressed about being will smith and hearing boomshakalacka reverberate around the surrounding walls . BSAJ Also taught a valuable life lesson. Never play cage basketball with Sir Charles Barkley the ghetto was just a holiday for him some where to go before evening warm-ups. All those other guys were sleeping on that blacktop. He was dunking on them in there home. Harsh.

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